Charles Beilman Wallingford CT

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Welcome to the personal website of Charles Beilman.

Charles Beilman is a successful businessman who has resided in Wallingford CT for the past 20 years.

I've been posting my favorite pictures at, be sure to check it out!

Charles Beilman has video at YouTube. You can see all the videos at Wallingford CT's Charles Beilman
Charles Beilman is now on Twitter. Flickr photos of Charles Beilman can be found at this link. Blotspot hosts Charles Beilman and his random ramblings. Google sites has a Charles Beilman page. I played around with creating a placeholder page for Charles Beilman at I have not really done much with it. I'm a instrument rated private piliot and love to fly.

Professional Background

Here is a link Charles Beilman at LinkedIn where you can see my profossional career. LinkedIn is becoming an excellent resource for professional networking.

I am the founder of , an Internet company that sells music CDs from its offices in Wallingford Connecticut. I started the company in 1996. In April 1999 I sold the company to eUNI. I stayed on at eUNI until July 2000. In October 2001 I repurchased the company (for far less than what I sold it for). This worked out very well for me as the company experienced strong growth after the re-purchase.

Silicon Investor published the press release announcing the sale of CDU to eUNI in April 1999. A quote from this press release:

The Augusta Chronical ran a story in 1998, which they picked up from the Hartford Courant. A nice quote from this article:
You may be wondering why I refer to myself in the third person, and why words like Wallingford show up in seemingly random places. I actually have a very good reason. Ask me in person for the details.

Check out details about Charles Beilman Wallingford CT on the special page focusing on the town of Wallingford CT.

This photo encourages us all to just get along, and I say rock on...

Current Date: 5/3/2024 4:36:22 AM

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